Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Psycho-ing for a week

Well, sorry to tell that this place has been left out for quite some time, since I've not been going to the wards you see. However, now I'm gladly to announce that I'm back again, and this time I have lots of stories to tell during my posting to Psychiatric ward!!! Each stories mean a lot to me, as it touched my heart, and it made me ponder of how precious our life is.... Please be patient and for the stories to come =)
By the way, as I've mentioned in the title, I've been kinda psycho after the posting, acting and talking like one of them sometimes. According to my tutor, each of us has 2-3 psychotic symptoms, that's normal. In fact, I find myself being a successful student nurse during the posting as I'm just part of the patients, I be with them, talk like them, think like them( sometimes).... huhu!! Amazing~ Better be careful... =p

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